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Full Name Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3.7z
Filesize 14.0 MB
Region USA
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To bmxguitarest: the game was released for the Playstation 1, Playstation 2, and the Nintendo 64 (with a GBA "version" in the mix that did not contain the same levels); the PS2 version contained the best graphics overall, and the most extra content. However, the 64 version is quite good on its own. :)
Hmm... I have this game for the ps2...
This DOES work for Project 64. At least it worked for me just fine! Yes, the text in the game is not visible, that could be the only problem. Otherwise this game is one of the coolest games you could find. And hats off to the superior graphics done on the N64!!!
This wont work for Project64...