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Full Name 0098 - SD Gundam G Generation DS (J).7z
Filesize 6.9 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



so far it looks kick ass hope it stays like this the only problem is the fact its not in english
TheFreakinDuck we dont need to here your nagging but if im a bit harsh sorry
Theres a Faq on gamefaqs if you need help . This is only for fans of Gundam , and that too if you like each and every series . SEED for example , is terrible , yet occupies a firm story position in one of the routes .
No offense, but I don't really like to play a game if I can't understand what's going on. I'd much prefer to play this game patched or I'd lose interest too fast. But based off screenshots I'd say this game definitely looks worth checking out.
really guess i should download it then
This is one brilliant game :P Nice to play even if you dont understand Japanese.