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Full Name 0731 - Mahjong Fight Club DS - Wi-Fi Taiou (J).7z
Filesize 11.8 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



this game is easy i finished it in only one day and collected all the special abilitys but it it is also cool becaus you get a special world that gives you items
NICE GAME?!? NICE GAAAAME!?!?!?!?! Kirby is like the best ever!
this game takes the original kirby style and completely does it up. kirby is most epic. awesome game.
This game is a good one. I used to play my friends version when it first came out but i just got an Acekard2i so I'm downloading ROMs like crazy. Haha reminds me of Portal. Just for some cake...
i love how kirby can combine two powers
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! the word should not be bird it should be KIRBY!!!!
Nothing beats the orginal mixing of powers on Kirby for N64 [;
i love it!!
one of the best kirby games of all time like seriously the best evar download it!!!!!!!!
The game is too easy
Kirby's AWESOME also great game
great game!