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Full Name 1111 - Diner Dash - Sizzle & Serve (U)(M5).7z
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what's the difference of Diner Dash to Diner Dash Flo On The Go?
Great game, very addictive. Repetitive but was so easy to beat that it didn't get dull. Fun game. Also played the 2nd part and the first game is a lot harder, so try the 2nd diner dash game first.
This is my secret shame/addiction. I can't do the very last level.
i think its a pretty good game for a car ride
I love this game...;)
is it that fun??
First off, the 'PEN' is called a 'stylus' Diner Dash is a great game, Sadly, for people who have the PC version they are almost identical, But hey!, think of it this way- Portable and small. Anyway MUST DOWNLOAD game, Its great Enjoy xx
Simply Basically Classical
classic game is classic :)
This game is a must!
This is a awesome fun game. If you like to have challenges then this is the game. two thumbs up. I can't wait to play diner dash 2! hurry up and get that game loaded here.
when i try to play it, it doesnt work. my dsi says reinsert the ds game or somethin like that. can someone help