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Full Name 1160 - Metroid Prime Pinball (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 16.8 MB
Region Europe
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This game is absolutely superb with great graphics and easy controls. An absolute must for pinball fans and a definite must for everyone else.
I haven't been pretty far in this game but it works fine. Quite reactive for the DS. Nice time-killing game.
Brilliant game, I'd recommend to anyone, even non pinball fans.
Woops this is pinball ive never seen this 1 i tought it is just metroid prime hunters :p sorry Romulation
I havent yet downloaded the game but its a great 1. here are some points: 1. great controls and gameplay 2. verry good graphics 3. its playeble in multiplayer, WIFI play, DS download, and single this are just some points ive noticed while playing it with someboddy of my school ITS A REALY GREAT GAME!!!
Thanks for this game