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Full Name 1575 - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 1st Edition (E)(M6).7z
Filesize 13.5 MB
Region Europe
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The game is REALLY based off the TV show (obviously) but since it is a European edition, the questions are mostly based around European things. I half expected it to ask me what time they served biscuits and tea.
Kesadisan [color=#000000]2009-05-08[/color] The story about you that given 15 enemies with only 4 type of attack, 3 magic, and 1 HP if you can beat all 15 enemies you will win the prize 1 Million pts. that's it HAHAHA funniest thing ive ever read
More like SUPER RPG with some taste of money The story about you that given 15 enemies with only 4 type of attack, 3 magic, and 1 HP if you can beat all 15 enemies you will win the prize 1 Million pts. that's it
Played from friend who had that game, funny game i like it.
How is this game an Action, Platformer?