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Full Name 1804 - My French Coach (U).7z
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I totally need this to improve my french I live in Canada and I need to improve my french because Im going to quebec they speak french there NOTE if youre going to canada, france and any other french speaking coutry like haiti you should get this
This should be good, but if you go to france make sure that you are pretty good at it because, unlike Italy and Japan, the french great offence when you butcher their language.
Maybe not the most conventional way to learn a language but it definitely helps. No matter whether you don't know any french and want to learn or even just to brush up and improve your french, this definitely more than just a game. I have the japanese version and it has helped me soo much. Take you're time and really go through this to get maximum value.
I am going to try the game because I am going to canada this summer!! LOL
Very very good.
I want to go to paris so i want to be able to speak french wen i go
its is good i like it
the french really helps me in school.Go Canada!
i own the spanish version its pretty good so i expect that this will be good too, judging by the comments.
This is a great game. I absolutely no none of the French Langauge, except for maybe "yes" and "No". Already, after playing for less than 4 hours I know how to count 1-15, and colors. Okay your saying "That is all you know from four hours". No, I decided to take my time and go over and over the lessons, If you go through a lesson once then It may not stick, it probably will not. Anyway, I think If you treat this like a game, and do not put any extra time into it, or go over the lessons only once, then it will be like a game, and you will get nothing out of it. Otherwise, if you use it and study, and repeat lessons, it will help you.
Very Nice Game
I have this. it is amazing. there are a few mistakes though. I take French I at school, and some "views" differ, but it's definitely good for learning French.