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Full Name 2476 - Guitar Hero - On Tour (E)(M4).7z
Filesize 98.3 MB
Region Europe
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If you have an R4, you can play without the grip by using a cheat. It will allow you to use the XYAB buttons as frets.
the music in On tour, Decades and Modern hits are different. On Tour is random, Decades is, unsurprisingly, a music guide through the decades and modern hits, well, it has modern hits in it
What music was in the guitar hero on tour,on tour decade and moder hit the music is it diferent? excuse i am a french and i cant speak english very easily and i have 11 years old lol
can anyone confirm that you can play crazy train in this game
Heres the rom without witout griptape\_Hero\_On\_Tour\_\_Hacked\_by\_Gabrico-Kun\
Thanks, I got Guitar Hero: On Tour: Decades before my R-4 so I had the grip, now I can play both :)
You can play without the guitar hero grip find out at
Can you play without the grip thingy
Get freeze at the end of some songs, on the ez-v
I purchased an Unofficial Guitar Hero Grip controller from Ebay. It's awesome and will be very handy for future Guitar Hero's.
I bought this in France, but it was in French. Thanks for this :D
Get guitar hero on tour hacked