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Full Name 2678 - Price is Right, The (U)(M2).7z
Filesize 12.8 MB
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Nothing wrong with the game, fun game show quiz game.
What....Whos billybob? Billybob's also the mod on Club Penguin!!!
This game also has no variety in contestants you must choose between four contestants. There are two males and two females.
Is it anything like the show???
Dont waste your time. This is one of htose gameshows that are great to watch but very short and boring to play. Teust me, its a great transition from TV to GAME but there is no, ZERO suspense factor. VERY VERY BORING and did I mention the game is over in 1 minute? On TV, there are SEVERAL contestants which make it a LONG game om TV. But when you are playing it by yourself on a game system, it goes by in less than 5 minutes!
Horrible is all I can say and I'm very forgiving of bad games. I love the show and hate the game!!
No it really is THAT bad its horrible. It has to be one of the worst shovelware titles I have played.
This game isn't THAT bad - a bit drawn out at times. Graphics are ok though. Good game I suppose to pop on and play now and again - more of a drop in game than one you'd get addicted to playing I think.
Wow this game sucks it brings shame to the show The Price is Right.
Dude...this game MUST pwn just cause it is the Price is Right, lol