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Full Name 2688 - Playmobil Interactive - Pirates Boarding (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 20.7 MB
Region Europe
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this game was later released as playmobile perates!!!!
Only good if you used to love playmobil as a kid (it is my case,grew up on these toys) otherwise...there are much better pirates game around!!
The game's good fun once you've got into it but i got rid of it. later, you have to sail your ship thorugh these reefs and the enemy ships are really hard to avoid...
It does look good...
Looks good thanks
This game really sux
There seems to be a similiar named Game for the PSP called "Sid Meier's Dirty Pirate Boarding". Maybe this is the DS Version of that game?
You can search the net all you want but noone has ever heard of this game