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Full Name 2700 - World Destruction - Michibikareshi Ishi (J).7z
Filesize 89.7 MB
Region Japan
Can Download No



I thought this game was called sands of destruction?
in english called "Sands Of Destruction"
Wow, 2700, really?
Does anyone know if the english rom has been dumped to the net yet? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. Much thanks.
game comes out tomorrow in NA,called sands of destruction.The anime is actually based off this game which just came out a while ago,but the game has a different name as appose to the japanese version.
I'm pretty excited about the english release... except for the stupid dubs they gave the characters. Ugh. Forget it, I know enough Japanese to play this rom.
sori for double posting..... this is an awesome game! though it is pretty hard cuz i can't understand english. but who cares? diz is definitely recommended
i watched the anime.... wonder if thiz one's gud... hmmmm....
Ah DUDE!!! a japanese version of "Sands of Destruction" that i can finally play! im so happy right now!!! :D
does any1 know about an english patch for this game ? i really want 2 play it
Nice game^^ recommended thx for share
sands of destruction!!!!!