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Full Name 2702 - My Secret World by Imagine (E)(M10).7z
Filesize 6.6 MB
Region Europe
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I have it its the best diary EVER
Is all you do write in a diary
This game is fun, and you have a code at the start,so my parents can't see what I am writing, I recommend it!!
I think there should be some sort of patch to give this game more pages, 150 is not enough.
I like it :), it's for boy's two i guess cause there are spaces where you can make a avatar and you can make a boy two..
ya it always happen to me to but i only can paly with my ds not in my dsi
Nice, I have a diary of myself so it's fun for me
can you guys just comment on the game!
so which is better this or my secret diary?
I do feel sorry for the poor people who actually go out and BUY these "diary" games, can get really boring. buying an exercise book and a pen are much cheaper...and you cant forget the password. still, i'm downloading stuff for free, y should i care?
This game is spettacular
How do you get it to work??? help!!!!!!!!!!