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Full Name 2707 - Lock's Quest (E)(M5).7z
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This is a damn good game
Looks like a good game cant wait to try it out
This game is awesome!!
Its really nice
Yahoo! already defeated lord agony which is tobias and war machine!
Protips: Don't build gates, leave a small gap. Don't build walls, build turrets, 2 rows deep -- extra health doesn't help when you can be kill them faster.
Yeah it's cool =)
...before picking up the difficulty level for the final battle. One of the most annoying features is that when you get into the bulid/battle cycle at any location it just keeps going without any real indication of any end being in sight! Sometimes its surprisingly quick and you move on to somewhere else sometimes it keeps going so you cant plan how you spend your source because you don't know how long you have to hold off the Clockworks. The control problems are mainly with the placing of traps on the far side of your fort. The walls you have placed will become see through when you hover over them but if you place something and want to change it you have to delete everything so you can get to it then replace it all which is not feasable when you only have a limited time to build your defenses. Ultimately you just have to learn to be extra careful when placing them and quit then restart your building phase if you make any big stuff ups. Further to the individual build/battle phases not indicating how much longer they will go for, the game as a whole doesn't give you many clues either. I feel like it is getting near the end but who knows :S good to stop now though!
Cool game. You have to build your forts using the available upgrades of Turrets and traps during a short round of 3 or less minutes. Once you have finished building the fighting starts. You need to hold off the clockworks until the timer counts down then you start building again until the story says you can move on. The controls can be a little annoying at times but that may be partly because I have been pounding away on my touch screen for so long that it has a couple of less then responsive areas. A fun little game. Intense and frustrating with nice graphics and cut scenes. The difficulty level starts easy then you get upgrades and it becomes too way to easy before the enemies get harder and becomes too hard and Im hoping (I haven't finished it yet) then eases off again.
I love this game!!!
HUa! nice game DS are the house of RPG ^^
I got this game earlier and i love it! it's a great game and VERY addicting, works perfectly on the R4 and is well worth downloading!!!!!