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Full Name 2735 - Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations (E)(M2).7z
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Region Europe
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This file has It and Sp languages
For the english (E) version go here:
is there an enlish version for this???
no, its in frencch and german which is fine for me; i speak french
Is this game even in English?
i played the first two games hope this is as good!!! it's a pity us brits have to play the US version though... personally i don't think US english is actually english, it should be a separate language, how does 'american' sound. The best Wright quote ever: "Difficult-looking legal books stand in a formidable row. They mock me. I tried reading one, and it made my head hurt. When I closed it, it slipped out of my hand. Then my foot hurt too."
this game was really cool thanx for the upload ^^ cant wait for the miles edgewarth game coming in February :D
i found the Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulation in English. Go to you could find all 3 games there
Wheres the us version?!
I adore this game. My favourite one in the Phoenix Wright trilogy.
This is such a good game, i loved it!!!
Oh; so there isn't going to be a "European English" Release? Or just that the fact that it's still sufferring from delay and stock problems is causing the Scene to not be able to dump it... If the "Official UK English" is just the US version, that kinda sucks. (and shouldn't the US version on this site then be updated to reflect this? I think I'll investigate myself some more. :P) It's a brilliant game though; Just as good as the rest in the series ;)