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Full Name 2745 - Think Kids (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 7.9 MB
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I love it, I only have the Japanese version! but now i don't !
Too bad it wouldn't work on DS that well. If you ask me, DualShock was the only way to go back in the day.
Still, leaves one wishing for Katamari Damacy... now that was one beautifully eccentric game. awesome catchy soundtrack, simple but hugely fun game mechanics, and a pretty interesting story to boot.
Good in multiplayer ^^
This game is definitely interesting. The name, however, is a bit misleading (it almost sounds like a Inter-planatory RPG). Well, it's not. You play a red monster who eats...everything. You compete against other similar monsters and attempt to out point the opponent. If you're really, really bored, this may entertain you for about an hour..tops.