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Full Name 2811 - Mechanic Master (U)(M5).7z
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one of the beast ds games !!!!!!!!
This game is alot of fun, and very addicting!
Yes I have been waiting for this...heard it was an AWESOME game!
If you like shoot'em up bang-bangs, this isn't the game for you but if you have even a single, solitary puzzle game that you like? Be warned.... You WILL BE HOOKED! The added replay so you could laugh a little more at your designs was just beautiful. I couldn't put it down.
This game is very well done. True, it is very similar to Crazy Machines, but I for one think those type of puzzle games - the ones that make you think and use the stylus for more than selecting 'start' - are the games that make the DS the platform of choice.
Sounds like something Mitch Hedburg would write a good joke about, winding down to relax and play a game then getting pissed off wanting to go back to work so he can take a break from all the hard ass gaming he had to do today.
I haven't tried it yet but if it is like the Crazy Machines this game will suck i hope its a good one
This game is awesome thanx for the game bye :)