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Full Name 2827 - Lovely Lisa (U)(M3).7z
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Lovely Lisa is a lolita witch is a popular fashion trend in japan and speading across the world! I am in to the lolita fashion. So I enjoyed this game! Even though it was short!
Wat The Heck
its nice game
Yeah, i thought this was a ecchi game at first glance (on the title) XD
It sounds mature but..... its for kids.. boo
Gr8 game keeps my 3yr old quiet for ages lol
Sounds like the title of an adult movie!!!
This game is pretty bad, but then again, so is linux :D
Lol @ Operating System snobs.
When You go "shopping" and go though the veg, meat and fish there is a huge glitch . is it the game itself or just on the R4
The game's *really* bad, but Linux is amazing. :D