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Full Name 3009 - Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (U).7z
Filesize 5.8 MB
Region USA
Can Download No



This Does Not Work On My R4
this game works on my M3
Is this even part of the Army Men series?
it is cool download it people it would be cooool if it has wifi just like what beetle dude said
They killed one of the best games I've ever played or seen for the N64...
This is somting like sof 2 only then the soldier screw everything:)
This game is not worth all the trouble to be patched
Eh... not that good
This game is really not worth the trouble. If it doesn't work on your first try, don't bother patching it. I think it got a 4 on IGN so...
Works on my R4 through YSMenu. You can also try unofficial 1.19, it seems to work with it too. Check R4 compatibility list for more info.