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Full Name 3189 - Dungeon Maker (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 13.3 MB
Region Europe
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i find that the battles are a bit slow paced for my taste but all in all its pretty fun
this game is quite fun~ and the story for me.. is quite good i would make it 10/10
It's kind of like Dungeon Maker for the PSP.
This is an O.K game
Turn base You don't level up but your stats do permanently grow by eating - very good way of leveling up. much refreshing and very good 3d rendering. graphics are ok. nice storyline, relaxing and such. though a bit more action and moves in battles would really make it 10/10.
Got it because it looked like a similar game to Bullfrogs Dungeon Keeper. Its close though. It kept me awake.
Good Game :D , not awesome but good , i like dungeons :D 4/5
Basically master of the monster lair game but with europeen name