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Full Name 3321 - Legend of Kage 2, The (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 10.0 MB
Region Europe
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Comments MUST GET THIS!!! FINALY another proper ninja game... Square Enix made is seriously great.The dialogue is a bit weird - the main character doesnt know how to behave properly,imo. The fights and all are just a classic. Did you know you can make Ninjutsu techniques (combining orbs in different combinations gives you different effects) which is cool.GFX are nice.Gameplay is fast and yet smooth (very similar to Ninja Gaiden original ,combined with Shinobi...). Nice story too. The abilities he has get leveled up and he gets new abilities too (fighting mooves). What are you waiting for? its from Square Enix ,for goodness sake
the only avaliable screenshot convinced me to download it.
This game is playable but the real fun is in the boss rush mode (availible after you complete the main story) AWSOME BOSS BATTLES!!!
no offense but i like the legend of kage original better=/
I wounder what this is game is a fun or no fun
I love it! Hard though, but it adds to the fun :) I'm at the last boss.
This is great my 4 year old daughter will love this!
Is this game any good?
Holy shit, I remember playing the legend of Kage on my Famicom! (nes) Gotta give this one a spin!
WOAH new format this game looks like contra with a sword
I like this game.