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Full Name 3396 - Dragon Quest - The Hand of the Heavenly Bride (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 52.2 MB
Region Europe
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What is the 'xdelta' file?
It'works. Thanks Kastion.
Get cyclo ds evolution and cheat data it is really good
is the game already patched with the cheat that give you acces to the game by crossing the security. cause if it isn't will they do it soon?
can some on help me i can't get of the boat i don't know what to do
hey i can't get anywhere after this game started what was i need to for the story to get was in the ship
i got a nintendo ds TT card, and what i got to do, cause my ship isnt arriving.
it doesnt work on my r4-card :(
Good game! I have been looking for an RPG since 2 weeks ago.
phew, i finally unlocked it. The route i eventually took was downloading r4 firmware v.18 and YSMenu. i found the advice from this sites forum (bare with me...- go into the forum, scroll down to the support grid and click on tecnical help. when there count 9 down and you'l see- kernal v1.18 and ysmenu for r4 revolution etc etc- thats where you want to be)- with a little bit of sussing out i did it, and not only that, i can now play my previously unplayable games (sonic, dark chronicles and mario and luigi, bowsers inside story)- bonus!!!!!!! and if i can i'm sure you can to
hi to every. you all must have good tastes to be playing/lucking into this game lol, corking series....- just trying to save people a little time. if, like me, you eagerly turned on your game and found getting off the boat became a headache- well thats because nintendo or whoever have put a protection lock on it!!!!!!!!- DONT DESPAIR THOUGH, theres plenty of help if you just read the comments above and different ways to try, just like i'm going to do now- kastions first me thinks.- good luck.
Can you be girl in the game