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Full Name 3530 - Draw,Speak, Let's Begin! Monster Farm DS (K).7z
Filesize 25.6 MB
Region Korea
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is this the monster rancher in PS
I am Korean, but since I was raised in America it is hard for me to understand the Korean words (I am a very slow Korean reader). I am waiting for the English version, whether it be European or American. However, I did attempt to play this game in the Korean version, and the graphics are fine... there is a new method for creating monsters at the Shrine that involves drawing a picture on the Touch screen. I really love the Monster Rancher series and have been playing Digimon as a substitute (T.T) as there are no Monster Rancher DS games in English at the moment.
Lol it's so nostalgic... too bad it's korean
I love the whole monster rancher series i just wish this was in english, the graphic is ok though.