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Full Name 3535 - Super Robot Taisen K (J).rar
Filesize 42.2 MB
Region Japan
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despite having japan language... it's a very nostalgic game....
This one is alot shorter than SRW W. However there is bit of dating sim element. You get to choose one of two girls to be your wingman, and the ending will be different depending on your relationship to the girls.
God, I wish, they'll will make OG3. Or that next SRT game on DS will have nice Originals. Here they're lame... And it doesn't have Getter, that's bad. But, I still like it =) If someone just could translate the story...
Like so many other nds games, a Chinese patch for SRW W is out. Lucky for those who can read CN.
OH HAPPY DAY! I can have a copy of Temjin 747 in a game in my pocket!
its look like my favorite game super robot taisen endles frontier but a bit uglyer but it can that i play that game 2 months and heve end thart game so graet is super robot taisen endles frontier i go now to play it for the second time[you hold al you items oke you lost som of it but that gain you by a boss but i go do dw this game to look how this game is
New patch! on gbatemp.
There will not be i repeat there will not be an english version at all ok
Cannot wait the english version !!! YaY !!
Yes Shin with Destiny come back us with full Skill and is can dodge and even defend !!!!! and for freedom, his is not get skill dodge how awfull !!!