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Full Name 3600 - Hotel for Dogs (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 14.1 MB
Region Europe
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All im going to say is the games is so so soooooooo LAME!!!!! its not good and personally i would never play this game
we should agree to disagree ;) gonna check it out... when I have my acekard 2i..... can't wait! *sigh*
Yeah ur right emmarox24 everyone has a different opinion to others
UMmm Not bad but I think its 45% good and like the rest bad O.o.i like it but its not my type.
No Matter who says this stuff, try the game anyway some people like different games and just because people say it is crap doesn't mean it is that is just an opinion.
richard_broo-ksid, the game cam first, then they made an anime around it, then too many movies around the anime.
"but there is Pokemon movie or two as well." or 12 i didn't like this game but others may. in this game (i think it's this one) you need to find hidden objects. like a dog dish or water bottle
Is it in english?
Thanks u guys for telling me its crap cuz i was gonna download it
Zaheen, we are not here to insult the game makers. Sannelies, have you activated your account yet? Look for an E-Mail to get it. I had the same problem.
I can't download it >\_
Who the hell would even buy this piece of crap