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Full Name 3811 - Night at the Museum 2 - The Video Game (E)(M3).7z
Filesize 31.5 MB
Region Europe
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It is always so nice of people to take the time to explain something to others. Nice one mollymoomooz!
Great game :) thumbs up thankyou
Hi thank you my daugther will love this
Is there dutch language? by litle brother can,t read english
Good game I rate 3/5.
To beerman21, they are all RAR files; simply unzip them using a programme like 7zip (free from CNET) and place the opened copy into your R4 card. done
This is a nice simple platform type game to play - the kids love it.
Are these games all rar files and not nds files i have r4i adaptor for dsi
What are you saying, it's english not japanese, you know!!!
I want the english to come out!!!!! I can't read japeniese!!!!!
Works fine for me looks a good game .. get it.. fresh out.
Thank you my cousin is very greatfull!!