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Full Name Raiden Project [U] [SCUS-94402].7z
Filesize 9.2 MB
Region USA
Can Download Yes



Raiden Project is an electrifying shooting game for PSX enthusiasts. The game immerses players in an intense battle against powerful enemy forces with its fast-paced action and challenging gameplay. Featuring stunning graphics and smooth controls, this game is a must-play for fans of the classic arcade shooter genre. With the ability to download the game ROM onto your PC, you can experience the thrill of Raiden Project anytime, anywhere. So suit up, get your trigger finger ready, and dive into this exciting world of combat and air battles.


awesome doublepack of scrollshooters... 9\10 (this game live in my psp slim forever)
Try this link for raiden DX. it is a better version of raiden 2 with more levels and features.
This ones pretty sweet!
i like this game its best! can any1 here tell me aother game like this raiden game pls tell me !
a rip only?? no wonder lol still, if its small, its good, and it doesnt waiste download points, and its convenient to people with slow internet to download LOL! RAIDEN FTW!!!
This is a great arcade game. the graphics may be downgraded form the original but it has Radien I and II. its a fun shooter. 2players are generally more fun. i just can get it out of my head the download is 9mbs. the game could have looked far better like the arcade if they did not rush the release of the game for Playstion System in its launch. I recommend anyone who enjoys old 2d vertcial shooters to download this game
A rip, of a great game! XD
This is only 9mbs. this is not the full game, it is missing all the music.