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Full Name 0299 - Advance Wars (U) (v1.1).7z
Filesize 1.9 MB
Region USA
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I started the series with Dual strike and Days of Ruin, Pretty hard after a certain point, but very fun. And Now I learn that there is a game the came before them, I must try!!
This is a great game. I'd explain why, but that would take my time away from this amazing game.
@assfad There are proper grammars in your comment?
There are bug in V1.0?!?!
V1.1 usually fixes major bugs in V1.0
Can somebody explain how v1.1 differs from v1.0? Thanks.
MUST.... PLAY...... SEQUEL...... NEXT!!
Better play Advance Wars 2 ! :D
I find this hard to get.... glad i easily find it here
Better play Advance wars 2 Black hole rising after this xD