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Full Name BMX XXX (U)(OneUp).7z
Filesize 1.04 GB
Region USA
Compatibility Playable (Details)
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QUERTY. it's called a joke. the game is attempting humor. not sure whether your capable of understanding but yeah you sounded like you needed some help with that basic concept.
best game bmx!
Yeah, I said that in a positive way. Also, this game is awesome.
To touch on what QWERTY is saying. Yes this game is immature. But this being said; if you can't tell that by looking at the title then you should get professional help. And I just so happen to think that the nut vendors is hilarious. Very similar to that of the hot dog venders on GTA IV Liberty City. So while it is Immature it will still give a good laugh to those of us who aren't afraid to think outside the box and have a little fun. So I recomend this game. But only for people with a good sense of humor and a love of BMX.
This is the most immature game ever. It has a peanut vendor going "get your hot tasty nutsack here!" It also has uncensored boobs, and unlockable sex videos.
this game is a BMX master
iis this good , looks it