Full Name Super Smash Bros Melee (U)(OneUp).7z
Filesize 937.9 MB
Region USA
Compatibility Playable (Details)
Can Download No



Greatest Gamecube Game ever!!!!!! Wave Dashing, Black Hole, other tricks :)
What about getting this (losing a big load of points) and extracting it, only to find that it doesn't work. Anyway, this is a great game, and if you have the Dolphin emulator and you like it, you should certainly get it. Even though it will cost you a Megapoint.
I Have Brawl But don't Have Melee
DAng, downloading this will take out 1/7th of my total points! Current points: 7264
i wonder. anybody who has this and a wii. can you see if itworks on the wii,but you also need an sd card. and change everything like filename and stuff
i got ya this game on gamecube buyed it costed 2 dollars from GAMESHOP idk but it hass all cahracters unlocked and places unlocked.
ristar2. you have to extract them together using winrar. look on youtube for a demo on how to do it. btw one of the greatest gc games ever. check my post on pokemon xd page to play gc games on an unmodded wii
?Doesn't run correctly on my Dolphin
This is the only game so far i've managed to run smoothly on the PC.
Can you play it on your computer with a romulation? If yes where can I find it?
This is a really fun game! If you want to play it on a GC emulator then your going have to spend alot of points and it takes about 1GB of space.
man the games awesome but I don't have enough points to buy it