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Full Name Disney's Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers.7z
Filesize 9.3 MB
Region USA
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haha i love donald's voice
very fun game, i had it for pc a couple of years back and couldn't get enough of it
The game starts off simple enough with Daisy being kidnapped and it falls to Donald to go about rescuing her, all of which is explained in cut-scenes which contain actual voice overs; a unique feature considering a good majority of N64 titles didn't have this. You go about your search to find her by visiting hub worlds where you complete multiple stages to move on. The games look and play style are very similar to Crash Bandicoot for the Playstation. You control Donald as he navigates levels which are either shown from a behind the back 3rd person perspective or a sidescrolling platforming view. Everything from the sound effects to the controls in this game are spot on and it is a fantastic platformer for the system. Not only that but they stayed very true to the character the game is based on. If Donald takes damage he goes into a spaz rage and proceeds to attack everything in sight. It's pretty amusing to watch. This is definitely worth a download. Great game and a solid rom.