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Full Name Pokemon Puzzle League.7z
Filesize 31.4 MB
Region USA
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I still have this game on N64 and GB. Funny to see those anime characters inside this game. It even contains Bruno haha!
I remember playing this game ages back, Its a solid puzzle game, but dont expect much of a challenge. I would rather play the GBC version if you want a challenge.
i might download it because i dont care if its bad im the total pokemon fan
i never heard of this game but im dowloading this cause i love pokemon!!
I love pokemon always have always will i can call my self a pokemon master yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh go pokemon
I was shocked at how one has the same name as me but with diffrent numbers and without the fire but anyways, Great game however it does have it's flaws, this game goes from super easy to super hard in 3 stages. It's very wierd I know.
Great puzzle game