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Full Name Pokemon Stadium 2.7z
Filesize 85.7 MB
Region USA
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To get the transfer pak there's a plug in you can download that is compatible with the Project 64 emulator. For a guide and download go here:
I dont know which keys to use? Press = x Back = c All the other keys have no effect?
Espeorb how do you do that
Woah!! this game is soo great even it soo old!
This game rules, I have found a way to transfer Pokemon from my gameboy roms onto this, just as I can do in real life with my real cartridges and transfer pack :)
I bought this game when I was a crazed Pokemon fan, we loved the original but never owned it so when 2 came out we got it. We loved this game so much, the funny thing is that we didn't have any of the Pokemon gameboy games or a transfer pack and still loved it. lol
I love this game!
Thanks for this rom i love this game!
Its a good game but take note that if your controls arent working you need to use the d-pad in order to move it not the analog stick just a heads up because it took me 2 hours to firgure it out
This is the best game,any pokemon fan would want to have ! Absolutely recommended !!
The minigames are the only thing which really redeems this. And they do so very well and make the game worth owning.