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Full Name 1015 - Pokemon Diamond (v05) (U).7z
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Region USA
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very good game in my opinoin i misspeled both those things but anyway very good story line cool pokemon and love the poke watch anyway could anyone trade me pikachu colored pichu i really need one i will trade almost any pokemon i own my username is Edmund and my friend code is 2880 1835 3061 please trade
Does this game work on the newest R4 software and does it come with cheats!!!!! :) :D
does it have cheats 4 the r4i gold and the r4
I found it out but I need to get waterfall in the cave
help I got stuck in mt coronet and I see this painting on the wall with legendary pokemon and I can not pass
This game has really cool cheats
can any one trad me arceus i'll trad you a pokemon just tll me what or i'll battel for it,and i know how to get 10 arueus.My friend code is 167758661407 and name is AAAA.
does this have cheats
Hey well i am a kid and stop being retarded becayse this game is AWESOME.
So... Pokemon is great for little kids going apeshit for nothing ? Is it realy that good ? i dont think it will be interesting to me since im an adult... hmm,ill try it some day though. But...i dont understand how kids in these days are so extremely stupid.If a cartoon series got repetitive and nothing new happened in my days, we didnt watch it again. Same thing with games - if NOTHING moderately big changed, we wouldnt buy it. As far as i understand, Pokemon games are basicaly all the same,just improved versions (Pearl is like v1.1 of the indended game).I think devs are fucking you arround. At least those who actualy bought the on Romulation, everything is free so i guess this defeats my question.
how do you get it 2 work? when you download it?