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Full Name 1992 - Assassin's Creed - Altair's Chronicles (U)(M3).rar
Filesize 31.2 MB
Region USA
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how can you activate the blade?
where is the Assassin's Creed 2 Discovery game for ds i dont see it also very great game also finish..i think just waitin for the second one
Awesome game didn't take long to finish it though hope assassins creed 2 will be as good or better
the only thing annoying in this game is fighting the retarded glitches that kill you so ofen
You people didnt even buy the game so you have no right to say if it sucks or not ^O^
i wonder if it will work on my acekard 2
I really wish someone will put up Assassin's Creed II: Discovery. None of the other sites downloads works for my R4i. Anyways, this game is pretty enjoyable. Not perfect but I like it. 8/10
This is a very good game but can someone put assassin's creed discovery?
when are romulation gonna have ACII but i liked this one tho
great game... not that challenging though,expected better 8/10
better than assassins creed 2. Assassins creed 2 is simple...only have 8 mission..booring...
better than assassins creed 2. Assassins creed 2 is simple...only have 8 mission..booring...