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Full Name 1992 - Assassin's Creed - Altair's Chronicles (U)(M3).rar
Filesize 31.2 MB
Region USA
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Works fine on my EZ5, very cool game aswell :D
Gthspam: hehheh blowing on the mic to open a tresure chest? dude thats messed up! anyways this game is so-so for me i expected more but hey, its another port so dont be surprised. OH! and before i forget they lost the ragdoll physics in this game.
Who can download this?
I'm using the CycloDS Evolution and it works just fine for me. Although I can't use the soft reset, the game itself plays without any problems. There are a few bugs in the game that make the enemies dumber than they already are, so they can get stuck on ladders and walls. It's a prequel to the xbox/ps3/pc version, so there's no "genetic memory" plot. It keeps asking me if I'm left handed every time I use the touchscreen, and I need to blow on the mic to open treasure chests for some reason. They even ripped off Elite Beat Agents with timing the screen touches to interrogate people.
Cant get it to work with cycloevolution? anybody having this problem?
NOT a very challenging game.. kinda expected more. R4 download w/o difficulty.
Works on R4 using latest firmware. Quite a good game, low framerate. Download worthy