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Full Name 2202 - Homie Rollerz (U)(M2).7z
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i realy want this game!!!!
did anyone else notice that the first picture isn't even of this game but of Harvest Moon DS original... but seriously, love the game (except the choices of bachelor)
This game is great the only problem I had was the men you could marry... the only one that didn`t look older than my dad was rock. And Rock a bit of a moron.Kai who is pretty cool but is only around in summer. Luckly theres a new bachelor called Skye. I haven`t tried the GBA conection yet but hopefully it won`t die if you marry someone from mineral town. The bugs from the origanal harvest moon are seemingly gone as well.
putang ina nyong lahat........
last time i got so angry that one of my house fell down (i worked really hard on getting it) that i deleted. but now i am gonna download it again.
i like this game, but why is my AF points always 0? although i give skye some jewelry everyday. i don't give him curry because i don't have a kitchen. sorry if my grammar looks bad. :( regards. raaaaawr :)
I Prefer The Gamecube! girl, I Think The GBA Girl Is Retard, Because The Sister Of My Roomate Is So Idiot.
this games' awsome :)
I'm thinking that this is HM DS cute but why is the preview for the boy version of the game? Why not even Claire or Jill the main character here. Instead there is Pete.
no to play as a boy you need the harvest moon ds not the cute version this happened to me before lolz XD.
can i play as boy in this game?