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Full Name 2673 - Dragon Quest IV - Chapters of the Chosen (U)(M3).7z
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It's on mexican spanish for me =D (because of my DS configuration), I kinda was used to games in english but I'm liking it this way too n.n you like RPGs, you should try it, even if you "hate" Dragon Quest/Warrior series, and "love" Final Fantasy games
Uh, no, it's far away from Pokemon.
looks and sound like a good game gameplay looks similar to the gameplay of pokemon platinum ill try it
Wow, I didn't expect people to be fighting over suck a trivial thing, point is, who cares which one is better? They both kick ass and that's that. What's better relies solely on YOUR opinion, so don't try to argue over which opinion is better like they're facts, please? Besides that, good game :)
Dragon Quest pales in comparison to Final Fantasy. In all aspects. The only decent DQ for me was VIII. VII was worthwhile too, but I'd prefer not to comment on the rest else my tongue gets overboard ...
are there any cheats???? (got dstt(donno if matters)
hope it isnt like dragon quest V, that was a nightmare getting of the ship but lets find out
I love final fantasy........ so dont get me wrong. but dragon quest games are on the same level just in different aspects. i love final fantasy for certain reasons and i love dragon quest for other certain reasons.
For starters, Horii was the creator of Dragon Quest and his developing company Armor Project is one of the developers, and he did help work on Crono Trigger. Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball was the designer for Dragon Quest and Crono Trigger. Dragon Quest was originally inspired by both Ultima and Wizardy, two fantastic series by themselves. And now, the merger... Enix actually absorbed Square Soft, though leadership from Square Soft stayed. When it comes down to the finishing line both companies and franchises have their positive sides, and Dragon Quest helped launch it. That's right, Dragon Quest helped inspire Final Fantasy. Fortunately, I prefer Draqon Quest. I still remember spending most of my summer of 1992 playing Dragon Warrior 4, just as I remember getting "Final" Fantasy for christmas in 1990.
Eh.. for me the best of DQ: IV, V, VII and VIII are equal to FFIV,VI,VIII. All of them are better than the rest of the FF series. After all, DQ is the one that can't come out on a weekday without shutting down the whole of Japan. ;) I think (I hope anyway) that he meant Chrono Trigger had the same art style as Dragon Quest and DBZ. >\_\_>
Lol... Squeenix
Final fantasy is way better than dragon quest.even idiots know that