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Full Name 3212 - 100 Classic Book Collection (E).7z
Filesize 42.4 MB
Region Europe
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WOOO, I was hoping Nintendo would make a game like this, and they did!
Is it just me or is this just zip files inside zip files that won't work? I must be doing something wrong.
At first glance looks very good should make the odd train journey fly by, might even introduce the smaller ones to reading, worth a download :-))
Has anyone seen reviews of this yet? I've only seen this one so far: and it seems to be quite a glowing review! Really like what Nintendo's done here. I wonder if it'll have more than the initial ten downloads, though? The Japanese edition is still receiving updates a whole year after release, so hopefully we get the same treatment! :-)
It's pretty useless to download, since most flashcards support this already
All right! i've been using my M3dsreal's media part to read books that i've downloaded. this saves a lot of space on my shelves!
The text renderer in this cartridge is better than in the homebrew readers I've tried. It supports indented paragraphs, italics, and justified text. The program also supports bookmarks and searching. The selection of books is quite good. Highly recommended.
Awesome but i dont think that ill ever read ten of the 100 books that are included. Right now im reading white fang and call of the wild. Great books!!
Fantastic my kids are not a big fan of books so i hope this will spark somthing new in them and not just games
I love it but I hate it in the meantime as it probably won't be released in other languages due to legal problems .-.
This is awesome! I've already downloaded Turn of the Screw, which I've really wanted to read ever since watching The innocents years ago but never got around to finding and reading it. Hooray! I love the appeal the DS has to all ages. This and the cooking application are so great ^_^
Cool only saw advert on tv this morning