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Full Name 3212 - 100 Classic Book Collection (E).7z
Filesize 42.4 MB
Region Europe
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Great 'game'. thanks! :)
@n0thealthy all download in here are illegal they say it not me ^^
So is downloading this illegal? :P All the books in it are public domain...
Has anyone converted a pdf to text and opened in moonshell and read like tutorials and useful stuff instead of this? just asking.
Has anyone tried the wifi extras yet?
Great concept. I recommend this download Currently Reading Moby Dick.
For those that mention other e-readers: Remember, those are only for the flashcart world. This is a proper commercially released product. Of course, the next step would be to release a commercial e-reader cart we can slot our own books into (via the DSi's memory slot, maybe?)
This is totally amazing endless reading fopr old and young alike
This is amazing if this is the way the ds is going for adults then I say bring it on totally in awe at how this works and you would notthink all these books could be here like this endless reading for young and all alike well done
It's a UK release so english only
Only just seen this advertised on the TV this morning. The DS is definitely going in a different direction now with more adult things.
Can i save the page im up to in it?