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Full Name 3856 - Air Traffic Controller by DS (Zen Series) (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 5.5 MB
Region Europe
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@ pooBoo: 9-11 was the terrorist attack on the world trade towers... ..yeah i know, people still go on about it.
Is this game rocks or sucks?
Excellent game very addictive !
What's 9-11? What does have to do with a game?
It is a verry funny game and the PRO game is VERRY pro :X
You google it u fu*king moron you dont come up with shit. and it just a super late air traffic chaos what the hell are the first as*holes talking about? waterslicer i wikid it and got the same stupid info as u. mabe u shouldnt post pointless comments.
This is a cool game dawnload it
This is just air traffic chaos, stop being idiots guys and confusing the nubs
What the hell? is this a cell shaded shooter or just air traffic chaos?
I remember this being on the Australian news a while back, and i think i remember this being made by an Aussie. Yay for us Aussies!
This version of the game was released in the United States by Majesco under the name Air Traffic Chaos. ^ information from wikipedia
Oh a shooter, I just presumed this was a very late port of Air Traffic Chaos to Europe.