Full Name Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep (U)(pSyPSP).rar
Filesize 1.37 GB
Region USA
Can Download Yes



Its taking up the space on my phone but it won't let me get to the file
Will it tell me when it's done
It's so good and compelling, although the worlds and everything are much smaller and shorter than the PS2 games (obviously). It's still a 30-hour adventure, with another 10 or so for grinding to full completion, so it's on par with the PS2 games on length. Visually, it makes great use of the engine and pushes it to its limits. Sound-wise, every song is an earworm. By the 137th cycle, you'll be so sick of the Disney Town theme :p
It's Kingdom hearts, what more can I say?? LOL, if you loved any of'em you'll love this.