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Full Name Namco Museum Vol.4 [U][NTSC-U] [SLUS-00416].7z
Filesize 379.1 MB
Region USA
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Namco Museum Vol.4 is a comprehensive game compilation for the PSX that features classic Namco arcade games. Players can enjoy the nostalgia of six different titles including the well-known racing game 'Pole Position II' and the iconic action game 'Rolling Thunder', amongst others. The game is easily accessible for those seeking to download ROMs to play on their PC, delivering hours of fun as players experience each classic game in its original arcade format.


Genpei Toumaden (here known as Genji And The Heike Clans) is also very good, but if you aren't aware of Japanese mythos you'll find it to be the weirdest game in existence.
Games emulated here: Pac-Land, Assault, Ordyne, The Return of Ishtar and Genpei Toma Den. Assault is the sleeper hit here - a challenging tank game with heavy replay value.