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Full Name Tomba! [U] [SCUS-94236].7z
Filesize 140.9 MB
Region USA
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Tomba! is a classic PSX game that captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. This platformer features vibrant graphics and engaging gameplay as you navigate through levels, defeat enemies, and solve puzzles. With our easy download, you can enjoy Tomba! on your PC without any additional hardware. Explore the whimsical world of Tomba! and relive the nostalgia of this beloved game. Don't miss out on the opportunity to play Tomba! today with our convenient ROM download.


I played the sequel and it was really awesome... never completed this game it was harder than the sequel...
A great and original game with incredible gameplay. Gamers who like intriguing and original games, this is for you! *hands reader a Tomba RAR* ^_^
I still have that demo XD But I am going to download this ROM of it also :D
I remember this as a demo, lol
Awesome game. Tips: 1: Read ALL dialogue and pay attention to the mission names which come on to the screen. If you don't, you will get lost very quickly. 2 Saving - You can only save by activating the small signs you'll find periodically throughout the game. You'll need to stand in front of them, press up to look at them and press Square (or whatever you have square bound to) to save.