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Full Name 0688 - Bionicle Heroes (U).7z
Filesize 21.3 MB
Region USA
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is this a 2 player
ruki u dont make sence so shut up and this is a good game what u do is fight fight bosses complete lvls and defeat monster whats not to get!!
if you like metroid on the ds u should like this
My only gripe with the game is NO ONLINE PLAY!!
i finished the game easily ruki114 your meant to shoot bionicles and defeat the pirakas
i can't even complete half the game IT MAKES NO F@!#$ING SENSE
it's okay i think... but the GBA version is much more better for sure
its a nice game, eventhough its not anything like cod games.
Completely irrelevant! Anyway, My friend has this game, and it drives him craazy, because it makes absolutely no sense...
sam and joe barry are coll
No, this game does not have WiFi.
Does this have wifi