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Full Name 1368 - Worms - Open Warfare 2 (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 14.3 MB
Region Europe
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This game is very funny. Worms 1 was a little more complicated, this is just easier and more fun to play. Also the sounds the worms make are sooo cute and the good thing is that there is nothing with blood etcetera. First I thought this was a boys-game, but it is for girls fun too! It's easy to play, alone, with your friends and it makes you laugh everywhere, everytime.
This is a great game if you like worms but not as good as the originals. It has some new things in the arsenal like lightning and sentry guns but the arsenal is much smaller then most other games. An overall allright game. 7/10
a game costs no points if it is under 50.00mbs however if the game is higher than 50.00mbs it costs say a game is 93.00mbs it will cost 93 points hope this helps
it didnt work for me on r4
I have this game on PSP and i LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Im sure the ds one should be just as good. But can anyone tell me why worms world party has more weapons and stuff????
A pretty cool game ! IT's a : "Must download" game ^^ It makes a lot of fun when you play with 2 people or more.. Lukas, Germany
thats because the games didn't cost points. If you hadn't noticed, the point counter now tells you how many points you will have left after downloading, not how many points the game costs, which is the second number in brackets.
everytime I download a game and it cost points I never get points took off me how cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got back into the Worms series recently, haven't tried either of the DS titles yet though so hopefully this'll keep me satisfied :)
Its soo good just do it it do work
Another worms game. Yet this one is still just as good as all the others. Very addicting and comedic. A must have until the next release.