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Full Name 1923 - Jackass - The Game DS (U).7z
Filesize 65.6 MB
Region USA
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This game is actually quite fun once you get the hang of it and the physics are pretty decent for a NDS game.
The picture shows a guy crossing the road without looking both ways! Imagine the editor put that as a dangerous stunt!! LOL!
it looks like it has REALLY shitty graphix...but if i wanted good graphix i would have gotten a ps3,besides its really fun!3 out of 5 4 the graphix.:)
this game rocks
lol is it really that good anyways i try it
Really good game!!! 5 stars
This game gets a 4.0 out of 5
In this game your a man/woman and you must complete missions with doing extreme stunts and breaking your bones.. ( you dont die ) And you can free play 2... There are 6 levels with much persons that give you missions.. You can ride in carts, skateboards etc. and you can jump from trampoline's etc. Its just an awesome game.. Its worth the points :) AND ITS NOT BAD I GIVE A 9/10
It's quite fun, kind of cheesy but that doesn't matter. I played for a bit, got some awards, quit to the menu, and It didn't save.... so I dunno, do you have to play all of those boring missions to save it?
hrmm i wonder if it is any good because the show is great!
hmm im gonna download on my r4 to see wats it like