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Full Name 2603 - Sims 2 - Apartment Pets, The (E)(M6).7z
Filesize 9.7 MB
Region Europe
Can Download No



I can't download it. That's sucks. I think i like this gamen Man! Hugs My
wish it would download cos this is the only sims game on DS which i like.. lol :)
hm.. this game is nice really?
Any way to get this game without the law dribble coming up?
cool i luv this game
this game is about as fun as getting a the eye...then falling...down the stairs... out the front door... onto the pavement... during a busy day... naked! Its TRUE
This game is funny, but i would prefer to build homes, like the computer version
Is it worth getting?
Ah man,i love sims but that not work because the "jerk" law
Love this games
He doesnt, WHY NOT?? stupidd... i think its a cool game X`d
Gonna try it =)