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Full Name 2732 - Pipe Mania (U)(M2).7z
Filesize 10.6 MB
Region USA
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It reminds of the old Nintendo Entertainment System/PC game Pipe Dream. That was always fun and it's almost like it was made handheld right here. Great game :)
aw man i thought i was gonna get my mic blowing pot smoking game. >.<
theclaw: correct, I used to play it on my dad's 386 laptop.
i remember an old gameboy game called Pipe Dreams. i think this would be it's modern incarnation
My earliest memory of these games was also a board game called Waterworks =D
I think there was a Windows 3x one, long ago.
Puzzle to play........thanks
So whats this game about? i dont want to just download it and find out that it sucks
A lot of fun to play! Lots of game modes and bonuses Perfect when you have 5-20 minutes to kill
Good game - I used to play this years ago on I think it was my Amiga computer. Good to pick up and play
I remember playing a pipe puzzle as a kid with my parents, back in the early 80s. I think it was called Waterworks, it was a card based game, really similar to a game of Dominos. Whoever had the largest working pipe system in the end won.
Lol if you think bioshock did pipe puzzles first mate you haven't been around for very long