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Full Name 2804 - Littlest Pet Shop - Jungle (E)(M11).7z
Filesize 28.7 MB
Region Europe
Can Download No



you don't press add's for the pictures display, you go to the top of the screen and find a small box in a yellow button
how do you download a game do you press add one ?
I love this game - NOT! It is just 'collect all the pets by buying train tickets with money you get by playing games, the average train ticket for a pet is 400 / 350 coins and you get about 30 coins per game'! it takes so long to play so many games to get so much stuff and unlock all this random junk - its a game for people who have enough time to play hundreds of minigames.
This is not jungle same as garden
For some reason my NDS does not take the download, referring to data something.
I want to thell you guys that petshop jungle is the same as pet shop winter and garden
My daughter loves this game, she has been playing it for hours, If you are thinking about downloading it my advice is do it. I don't play these games but when I hear my daughter laugh so much I know its good.