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Full Name 3479 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Sacrifice (E)(M5).7z
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I Just have a question for the game, is the game in English? I'm not to sure of the language because i have been tricked more than once. so could someone help me please!!!!
A huge Buffy fan I am, so getting this :) one of my favorite games of all time is Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Xbox (get it if you've never played it's amazing)
I couldn't even get past the tutorial of this game. I'm a huge Buffy fan, and I thought it was intolerable. Very disappointing. :(
is this a fps
is this game good ???
ok I think I'll give it a try!
Im the biggest fan !! im glad its out!
I have this game, In my opinion the Controls to move buffy are a bit strange because sometimes when you enter a room and then continue to press forward it takes you back out of the screen so you have to press down to continue, The only other problems i see with this game other than the GFX is the fact that you should be able to control more main cast like Angel, Spike, Willow, Giles, Xander. On a better note though the weapons are still good and so close to the seasons except a few which gives it the realism on the game i take. Over all i would like to recomend this game to any Buffy fan.
I wish they'd put out an angel ds game
I don't think I'm a big enough Buffy fan to get into this one. I've only been battling my way through the high school for about 15 minutes now and I'm not sure I can take much more of the sloppy gameplay (particularly while fighting) or awful sound effects. It definitely has a Resident Evil thing going on and some decent graphics; maybe I need to give it a little more time and hope the game grows on me some.
It's a resident evil style game:killing bad guys, finding a key to open a door,and killing more bad guys , and running out of ammo. it looks good and had a nice feel to it. thank you romulation
If you want to see gameplay here: the game looks good for me :)